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Date 20/01/04 14:32:03
Name   기아트윈스
Subject   워싱턴 이란전문가그룹의 구조적 문제

워싱턴 씽크탱크의 이란 전문가라는 사람들의 절반은 페르시아어를 읽지도 쓰지도 말하지도 못함. 이란에 한 발자국도 들여본 적 없음. 한 사람이 이란 기사를 소리내서 읽어주면 (읽을 줄은 모르나 말할 줄은 아는) 다른 사람이 듣고서 통역해서 윗사람에게 알려주면 그 사람은 이란전문가로 여기저기 불려다니며 영자뉴스 생산.

Moreover, around half of the Iran experts based at think tanks in DC could not read, write, or speak Persian at the time of my fieldwork. And a similar number had never once stepped foot inside Iran. One research assistant working at a prominent think tank told me how, as someone who reads Arabic, he would read Persian language news articles aloud for another research assistant who could only speak (but not read) Persian. The two of them together would “translate” Iranian news articles for his boss, an expert who works on the Middle East and comments on Iran frequently.

정부, 언론, 기타등등 그룹에 이런 사람들이 불려가서 이란에 관한 거의 모든 것에 대해 증언하고 조언함.
Regardless of their background or training, these experts have been called upon by US government officials, the media, and different interest groups to testify as analysts on nearly all aspects of Iran: from its complex governmental structure to its regional policies, oil production capabilities, nuclear technology, modern history, social dynamics, and the intricacies of Shi‘i jurisprudence.

"캔 유 이매진? 프랑스 전문가, 그니까, 역사 문화 정치 기타등등 프랑스의 모든 것에 대한 전문가란 사람이 있는데 이 사람은 프랑스어는 한마디도 못하고 심지어 가본 적도 없어? ㅎㅎ" 이런 사람도 이란에 대해 증언하고 조언한다고 의회에 다섯 번이나 증인으로 출석함 ㅋ
As one of my DC interlocutors put it to me: “Can you imagine someone claiming to be an expert on France? Like all of France? Its history, culture, politics, etc. And then imagine this person cannot even speak French or has never visited France.” And yet, this is precisely what is accepted as Iran expertise in the nation’s capital. One expert—who has never formally studied Iran, does not understand Persian, has never been to the country, nor has any technical expertise on nuclear technology—was called upon five times to testify before Congress as an expert witness on Iran between 2014 and 2015.


별로 놀랍지 않은게... 영국 살면서 자칭타칭 북한전문가란 사람들 강연은 꽤 열심히 다녔는데 좀... 한심한 수준의 인상비평이 넘나 많아서 저런 정도의 죤문가들의 자문을 받아 최상위 정책결정이 이루어진다는 걸 믿을 수가 없었다는.


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