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Date 18/09/20 01:10:03수정됨
Subject   [외신] Koreas: Make war, not peace

여러 현안들에 대한 짤막한 의견에 3차 남북대화에 대한 내용이 있네요

[전쟁을 해라, 평화말고]

Koreas: Make war, not peace

As South Korean President Moon Jae-in prepares to travel to North Korea this week for his fourth meeting with Kim Jong Un, we assess that he is pursuing an agenda that increasingly differs from yours by excluding denuclearization requirements and keeping maximum financial or diplomatic pressure on Kim.
His conscious recoupling with North Korea -- including the re-opening of a South Korean diplomatic liaison office in North Korea, inter-Korean economic deals and even a possible joint bid to host the World Cup -- will probably mean that Moon will be more disposed to coordinate an inter-Korean approach to you rather than working with the US on an allied approach toward Kim. You should assume that Moon is okay with the status quo in which Kim keeps proliferating nuclear weapons alongside business opportunities and talks of reunification.
We expect that Moon and Kim will discuss how to get you to formally end the Korean War -- Moon seems ready to do so and China would likely support a peace treaty ending hostilities because it could mean a withdrawal of US troops from the Korean peninsula.
We do not assess that peace on Kim's terms jibes with any actual end to hostilities. He continues to threaten global peace and stability with his growing nuclear arsenal and conventional army, and probably wants to make peace (on his terms) so that he can push for a withdrawal of US troops.
Kim probably knows -- because it's clearly stated online, on the United State Forces Korea website -- that the mission of US Forces-Korea (USF-K) is not limited to just maintaining the Korean War armistice. Their mission has different pieces, including defending the Korean Peninsula from any number of threats.

글을 쓴 사람은 사만다 비노그라드? 라는 사람인데 유태인, 83년생, 오마바 정부에서 NSC 이라크 디렉터로 일했던 사람이군요.


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