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Date | 17/05/01 14:11:34 |
Name | 구밀복검 |
Subject | 벵거 : 토트넘은 덤핑된 스타들에게 고연봉을 주게 될 거야 |
북런던 매치 전날 인터뷰. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4459164/Arsene-Wenger-warns-Tottenham-pay-structure.html '요즘은 빈부격차가 왜 이리 크게 나는지 몰라 ㅜㅠ' '애들이 연봉 올려달라고 해서 죽겠다 ㅜㅠ 돈도 없는데 다 나간대 ㅜㅠ' '토트넘 너그도 우리하고 비슷할 거임...별 수 없을 거여...' 기자의 논평 : 토트넘의 선수들은 다들 감독인 포체티노를 신뢰하기 때문에 안 나간다고 하더라. 근데 벵거는 포치가 명장인 것도 인정 안 하더라고. '포치..좋은 감독이지....근데 우리들보다 (델레 알리 키워낸) MK 돈스 유스 감독이 더 뛰어난 거임...너그들은 이해 못하겠지만...축알못들은 감독 평가 못하니까...' Yet Wenger — 14 points behind Spurs and set to finish below them for the first time in his two decades at Arsenal — does not even consider Pochettino one of the best managers. 'They have always had good managers,' he said. 'I like him, I think he does a good job and overall yes I think he has done extremely well. 'But maybe the guy who works at the youth level at Milton Keynes is better than all of us. It is always very difficult, I don't know how people judge. But I think that people who have not been in the game cannot judge managers.' 0
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