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Date 15/10/14 08:56:11
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Subject   [하스스톤] 전쟁노래 사령관 카드의 변경이 예정되었습니다.

출처: http://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/653987114820829185

The following balance change will be made in an upcoming patch:

Warsong Commander now reads: Your Charge minions have +1 Attack.

Over the course of the short but impactful history of Hearthstone, we’ve taken a strong stance that we’d like to make changes to cards only when they are completely necessary. The direction of gameplay and the metagame should be defined by our players, and as the meta is evolving, many different types of decks can emerge. Cards that were once impactful in the meta can be less so once new strategies emerge, and that change is brought on by the constant need and drive for innovation by our players.

Innovation is just one way a game can evolve, and the best way to shake up the meta and innovate in Hearthstone is by introducing new cards into the game. Introducing new cards to Hearthstone is our preferred method of changing the current state of the game. It’s exciting to discover a deck that may have an advantage over a popular deck out there, and new cards lead to the discovery of new combinations, and new conversations. Hearthstone thrives off of stories about enjoying a fast-paced, fun game with friends that’s full of delightful surprises.

Going forward, we will continue to stand by our stance that we will only make adjustments to cards when we feel it is completely necessary and allow the injection of new cards into the game help our players define what the meta evolves into. In the case of Warsong Commander, we felt this change was necessary to help expand both future design space and to stand by our overarching game philosophy that battles between minions and fighting for board control is what makes Hearthstone fun and compelling.

출처: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/19288409377#1

[기존 효과 : 내가 공격력이 3 이하인 하수인을 소환할 때마다 그 하수인에게 돌진을 부여합니다.]
[변경 효과 : 내 돌진 하수인들에게 공격력+1일 부여합니다.]

손님전사의 키 카드인 전쟁노래 사령관이 다음주 패치 중에 변경될 예정입니다.
블리즈컨을 앞두고의 패치라서 적지 않은 영향을 주지 않을까 싶은데 말이죠.

손님전사를 플레이하지 않는 저의 개인적인 입장으로는 정말 환영합니다만, 무과금 유저분들에겐 좋지 않은 소식이 들려왔네요.
물론 손님전사가 아예 죽은건 아니지만 키 카드의 변경은 치명적일 것으로 개인적으로 예상해봅니다.

여러분들은 어떻게 생각하시나요.
그나저나 제가 영어 원문을 해석할 시간이 없네요... ㅠㅠ

* 1차 출처 : 원문 링크
* 2차 출처 : 하스스톤 인벤


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