- 게임 게시판입니다.
Date 15/10/08 11:32:34
Name   Leeka
Subject   롤드컵 재경기 규정 & 8강 추첨 방식 정리

- 규정집 원문



First Round Group Stage. The first round of the WCE will be a roundrobin. Each team from the group will play every other team twice, non-consecutively. Side selection for each matchup will be determined by acoin flip. All teams will play every other team on each side of the map(i.e. blue and red). Tiebreaker. If two teams are tied after the Group Stage,head to head record will be used as the first tiebreaker. If thetwo teams have an identical head-to-head record then theteams will play one tiebreaker game to determine finalstandings. Tiebreaker games will be played following thefinal game of the Group Stage for the respective group. Tiedteams will compete against each other until there is awinner.

If three or more teams are tied, the head-to-head record ofall teams against all other teams involved in the tiebreaker

will be considered. If a single team owns a winning record(as defined as winning more than 50% of the games) againstevery other team in the tiebreaker, they are automaticallygranted the highest seed available in the tiebreaker(therefore winning the tiebreaker), and a new tiebreaker isdeclared amongst the remaining teams (i.e. head-to-headrecord between the remaining teams). Three-way tie. The three teams will be drawn into seedsbased on the cumulative times of all the victories for theindividual teams. The number 1 seed will be given to theteam that won their games the quickest while the remainingtwo seeds will play. The loser of the match up will beeliminated from the tournament. The winner of the match upwill play the remaining team for seeding or advancement. Four-way tie. The teams will be drawn into a singleelimination bracket based on the cumulative times of all thevictories for the individual teams. Teams play Bo1 matchesthroughout the bracket. The seeds will be given in order tothe teams that won their games the quickest. The four teamswill be split into two first-round matches; the #1 seed willface the #4 seed, while the #2 seed will face the #3 seed inthe first two games. The losing teams will be eliminated fromthe tournament. The winner of Game 3 will be declared thetop seed; the loser of Game 3 will be declared the secondseed.

Side selection for all tiebreaker games will be determined by cumulativetimes of all the victories for the individual teams, even in a two-waytiebreaker. The superior seed will be given the selection. 

- 규정집 요약

- 2팀 동률
: 상대전적이 더 높은팀 우선
: 상대전적이 같다면 단판 재경기

- 3팀 동률
: 상대전적이 더 좋은팀이 상위 시드를 배정받음
: 상대전적이 모두 같다면 '이겼을 때 시간이 가장 빠른 팀이 상위 시드를 배정받음'
: 하위 시드 2팀이 붙어서 진 팀이 3위가 되며. 이긴팀과 상위 시드팀이 붙어서 1,2위를 가림

- 4팀 동률
: 싱글 토너먼트로 대진표가 구성됨
: 이겼을때 시간이 가장 빠른팀 VS 가장 느린팀 / 2번째인 팀 VS 3번째인 팀으로 대진표는 구성됨.

* 동률 시, 진영 선택권은 이겼을때 시간이 가장 빠른팀에게 선택권이 제공됨

- 8강 조 추첨 방식 원문


Second Round Quarterfinals. Second round of the tournament willconsist of four best-of-five matches. Seeding will be determined by teamrecords from the Group Stage. The teams securing the #1 seeds fromthe Group Stage will play the #2 seeds from different groups. There willbe a bracket-assigning draw immediately following the completion of thefinal game of the Group Stage. Teams that played in the same group willbe on opposite sides of the bracket. First, the #1 seeds will be drawn intothe bracket top to bottom. Then the #2 seeds will be drawn and placedinto the first available matchup which is determined by which group the#2 seed was in during the Group Stage. 

- 규정집 요약

: 8강은 5판 3선승제로 진행

: 각 조의 1위와 다른 조의 2위가 만나도록 추첨 진행

: 같은 조의 1위와 2위는 '결승전에서만 다시 만나도록 예외처리 진행' 

: 각 조의 1위는 1/3/5경기 진영 선택권을 가지며.  각 조의 2위는 2/4경기 진영 선택권을 가짐 


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+ : 최근 6시간내에 달린 댓글
+ : 최근 12시간내에 달린 댓글
