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Date 15/08/22 11:50:11
Name   눈부심
Subject   Impossible Soul by 스티븐 서프잔

Oh, woman, tell me what you want
And I'll calm down without bleeding out
With a broken heart that you stabbed for an hour
Woman, I was freaking out because I want you to know
My beloved, you are the lover of my impossible soul

Woman, too, promise me you'll stay and put off all your woes
I was wigging out, too much worry
I could not get you at all
And you said what you want, you would laugh it off
But I know you won't go, not for it at last
Must you write it off for the impossible soul?
And I was in a dream, I was gone away without you, but not too slow
Lest I put it off, for I put it right for the impossible soul

And all I couldn't sing, I would say it all, my life, to you 
If I could get you at all
Don't be a wreck, trying to be something that I wasn't at all

Seems I got it wrong, I was chasing after something that was gone
To the black of night, now I know it's not what I wanted at all
And you said something like, "All you want is all the world for yourself"
But all I want is the perfect love
Though I know it's small, I want love for us all

And all I couldn't sing, I would say it all, my life, to you 
If I could get you at all
Trying to be something that I wasn't at all


I never meant to cause you pain
My burden is the weight of a feather
I never meant to lead you on
I only meant to please me, however

And then you tell me, boy, we can do much more
Boy, we can do much more
Boy, we can do much more together
Boy, we can do much more together

I'm nothing but a selfish man
I'm nothing but a privileged peddler
And did you think I'd stay the night?
And did you think I'd love you forever?
And then you tell me, boy, we can do much more

I got to tell you, girl, I want nothing less
Girl, I want nothing less 
Girl, I want nothing less than pleasure
Girl, I want nothing less than pleasure

I got to tell you, boy, we made such a mess
Boy, we made such a mess
Boy, we made such a mess together
Boy, we made such a mess together

자신의 결점 때문에 여자의 마음을 완전히 사로잡지는 못한 남자가 사랑을 거부당하고 후회막급인 노래인 것 같아요. 검색해 보니까  Sorry I was a dick.이라고 표현했던데 딱인 것 같아요. 노래가 너무 길어서 솔직히 지겨운데 지겹다고 하면 음악적으로 심미안 없는 사람일까봐 억지로 다 좋아할려고 용을 썼지만 아오... 전 넘 지겹네요;;


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