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Date | 20/09/11 23:55:57 |
Name | Schweigen |
File #1 | 533C7BDC_E3CE_467B_BC8A_000B0BEE7D26.png (3.64 MB), Download : 45 |
Subject | 코로나는 동성애를 벌하려는 신의 의지 |
https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/09/europe/ukrainian-leader-covid-same-sex-marriage-trnd/index.html A prominent Ukrainian church leader who previously said the Covid-19 pandemic was "God's punishment" for same-sex marriage has tested positive for the virus. 근데 지가 걸림. 0
이 게시판에 등록된 Schweigen님의 최근 게시물